LCB(初階)-Day 8 (Jul./12/2023)

Dear Diary, 

Today was a great day for me ! It's the first time I felt like I was starting to understand what I was doing and able to cook quickly and consistently under pressure😍🎊

今早是Chef Benjamin demo 1)Lemon Tart with Lemon filling, 2) different type of french meringue 3)almond cream 4)lemon cream 5) italian meringue. 

漸漸感覺Chef Benjamin 的好處是他教學的過程, 很樂意讓學生有問題就提問,較不會像另一位Clement, 他上課規則是要等到demo成品都完成才能一次性提問. 

另外,感覺今天心情還不錯,上課也比較有笑容, 老師在製作時,突然發現老師脖子耳後紅紅的~還好red spot 不是在接近下巴的脖子上,不然我會誤以為他今日心情好是因昨天被種草莓😆😉Oops~ focus Wendy!! 😂

Chef 真的手很巧, 今天Lemon tart 比較有挑戰性&技巧的是把綠&黃檸檬切半,手工去皮,果肉須留著,並一片一片取出果肉當裝飾用. 

Chef 成品真的很有質感又好吃👍

*小:Lemon tart fill with Almond cream, Lemon cream, dipped in Italian meringue & finished off with 火噴槍上色
*大: Lemon tart with lemon filling & decorate with French meringue, icing surgar and bake 240 degree til 上色取出&裝飾果肉&lime zest. 

下午實作因今日是值日生,還好今明兩天的4位值日生中,有些已當過值日生,所以可帶領大家prep for the class👍

Chef Benjamin 建議/回饋: 

✅lemon&lime 果肉刀工不錯
🚨擺盤時,果肉的數量有點過多,這會讓顧客吃的時候過酸感, 正確是讓顧客吃起來有點微酸的果肉感較佳, 另外需留意preping deocraction 所需的食材,因今天手工去檸檬皮時,削太專注,原本只需各1/2綠色&黃色檸檬,我削成各一顆檸檬,還好老師有過來好心提醒,不然我會浪費太多不必要的時間

🚨French meringue decoration: 因這款是較特別的French meringue(沒用到icing sugar) 所以打蛋白不需打發,因我的有點過度打發(鳥嘴狀),所以烤出爐的Freach meringue 的表面較不光華. 
✅lemon filling cooked well (鬆了一口氣,因日前煮Pastry cream 時,火侯沒控制好煮過頭)
🚨Tart 的周圍忘了用microplan 整理tart皮 😅
🚨lemon filling to tart 記得鋪平

Overall, Chef Benjamin was satisfied with my finished product and gave me higher mark than previous practices 🎊

Go Go! Go~ Wendy! 🎊
